Monday, March 12, 2007
Hi hi...this is my annual [so far, it's annual...LOL] inspiration from the International Women's Day event. Just to share with you all....=)


Title: WE see, WE listen, WE speak.

Computer [Paint + MS Publisher]


The heads are obviously females. They are actually all the same faces but with the different hair color, skin color, eyes color, and lips color, they represent different women. The open eyes, open ears, and open mouth is my contradiction to the famous 'see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil' concept because we NEED to SEE THE EVIL, HEAR THE EVIL and SPEAK THE EVIL. The evil I'm talking about is of course the crimes that women have been subjected to. It's also a call for women to band together because like mentioned, if women don't help each other, who can we expect it from?

Title: Not Just LOOKING. Not Just HEARING. Not Just SAYING.

Media: Computer [Paint + MS Publisher]

To see, to listen and to speak up is in my view the simplest thing we can do for other women and ourselves. ONE person can make a big difference by these actions. Let's stop just looking at the atrocities. Start seeing. Let's stop just hearing the cries and ignore them. Start listening. Let's stop just saying things to comfort the ourselves eg. 'it won't happen to me'. Start speaking aloud.

Note: The face for this is interchangeable with other. =P
It's wordy I know. I kind of want to draw on the poster look and hence the wordiness. And of course to make sure the message gets across. So let's women's day be our day to celebrate our sisterhood!!!

And, just to show the work I did for 2006...=P

Title: 'Still Defending Ourselves'

Media: Computer [Paint]


All we ask for is respect and acknowledgement of our rights. Sisters, let's stand together and show the world we're ONE! Mess with one, you mess with ALL!


Title: 'Men Support'

Media: Computer [Paint]

The male community needs to recognise and supports the campaign in order for violence against women to stop. Men, the women maybe your mother, sister, wife, daughter, aunt, grandmother etc.. Would you want harm comes to them?

Note: The concept here is that the different colour hair strands are different people embodied in one. =)

So though it's kinda late in wishing...

HAPPY WOMEN'S DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!

Let's celebrate sisterhood!!!

posted by Mei Yee at 23:20

At March 19, 2007 at 10:30 AM, Blogger ~yoEsTer~

that is cool..... how do i do that???