Tuesday, February 27, 2007
A few days ago, I had an interesting msn conversation with a friend from college. I told my friend; Y, about the AI flotilla to Guantanamo.

Y replied me:
I don't see how Amnesty International can stop Bush by doing this.

And there I began thinking about what's the point of people joining AI or any other human rights group for this cause...for a few moments, I was stumped with wondering does supporting and joining these some-sort-of-petition help?? It was weird how it is for me to going along this torrent of human rights and SLAP! this question stopped me. Momentarily.
After clear and deep thoughts, I had my answer. Or maybe I had always had my answer. Just needed a recall of it.

Me: Bush needs to know that people don't like his actions.

Y: I think he does know that.

Me: Yeah, that is true. But I feel that without people protesting his actions, he is going to do even more awful things to people. I mean, he is going to feel that his inhumane actions are acceptable by people so he will go ahead and do even more bad things because he thinks that since no one is against it, then it's not bad.

A bit of little kid thinking here, I know. But somehow, it makes sense to me as to why I'm supporting the campaign to put an end to Guantanamo Bay. A little chat with my sister also confirmed that she thought along the same lines as I.

A good proof of joining these fun petitions really help is to look at the Million Faces Control Arms petition. [Ah...I wondered why I didn't tell this to my friend immediately]

By the way, P!nk has a song [Dear Mr. President] in her new album [I'm Not Dead] which lyrics questions Bush on this whole situation he cooked up.

And if you haven't join the AI flotilla, do it NOW!
Even if you don't want to join, the animation is really worth checking out.


So, what's your reasons to join the petitions/ campaigns?
We can compile a list and use it in our debate with our friends cos' I'm very sure I'm not the only one who have to explain my reasons to friends like these. ;-P He he...talk about ganging up....
posted by Mei Yee at 22:32

At March 2, 2007 at 2:06 PM, Blogger Mei Theng

I have got the same reaction from my friends when I told them about the flotilla. Somehow I think ppl who do not signed the petition should really go to that "Expose War Crimes" exhibition at PWTC. It really prompted me to immediately sign the petition to close down Guantanamo Bay centre.

For me, signing petitions is like writing the letters to the worldwide appeals. It shows that I know about the issue in the country and that I care even if I am not from the same country. Moreover, it is a way for me to do my part as a human rights activist. I think we all know one petition alone might be able to change a person's mind but it is worth a try to get the person's attention on an issue.